Carnival in Bolivia is a without a doubt the most popular of the Bolivian festivals. Each region of the country celebrates carnival in their own manner. These festivals are the best demonstration of our folklore and traditions. The biggest carnival festival is in Oruro and has been declared by UNESCO as Cultural Patrimony of Humanity”.
The traditional legend is that in 1789 the Virgin of the Socavón (loosely translated as mine shaft) miraculously appeared in the largest sliver mine in Oruro. Since this time the festival has honoured the virgin and even today the most important parts of the festival of take place in front of the at the shrine of the Socavón.
The preparations for carnival take place all during the year with uncountable ceremonies and rituals. The largest of these celebrations takes place in Oruro when thousands of dancers take to the streets accompanied by large brass bands and dance for kilometres. The main dance is the diablada but one will also see morenada, caporals, suri-sicurus , la llamerada, la kullawada and Tinku as well as dozens of others.
Come with us to experience this unforgettable event Saturday 21 of Februrary.
Cost: $ 70
Contact: info@boliviacultura.com or call 452-7272